Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Showers

I'll take it!! Find this outdoor shower and much more at the awesome EMMAS DESIGNBLOGG.
I think of showering as a workaday necessity that isn't nearly as much fun as making art, blogging, watching tv, talking on the phone, reading a book, or anything else I might be doing while hanging around the house. Thus, I try to put it off for as long as possible (which isn't saying much - my hair is too greasy to skip washings, so the shower is completely unavoidable). Although I hate dragging myself away from whatever fun thing I'm doing just to go wash away the day, once I'm actually in the shower, my opinion changes drastically. It is so hard not to fall under the spell of running water. It heals. It cleanses. It feels pretty darn good. This is how I feel when I'm actually standing under the flow:

Yes, showering is truly a workaday romance. It doesn't matter whether the water is cool or hot or if the flow caresses or pummels; the shower seduces me from the moment I FINALLY step into the stream until the last drops of water swirl down the drain. I really do love to shower, no matter what I say! What have-to do you enjoy even though it strikes you as something you could skip altogether to reserve time for other undertakings? Cuz, you know, there's never enough time in the day...

Alison :)

P.S. And, yes, I sing in the shower loudly and gloriously! I won't say obnoxiously!!


  1. Showers can be creative places. I have had some good work ideas in the shower and I also practice my German in die Dusche.

    1. Good point, Laurence. I've had similar experiences. I think epiphanies happen in the shower because your thoughts are slightly unfocused. It leaves room for ideas work themselves out or in or whatever.

      die Dusche?? Nice.

      Alison :)
