Monday, May 9, 2011

On Mother's Day

Grandma's brownies. One of our favorite treats.
 For Mother’s Day, we met up at my mom and dad’s house. “We” included two aunts, one uncle,  three cousins, one sister, one brother, one mom, one dad and one little ol’ me. It was quite the Mother’s Day crowd. Normally, my brother, sister and I either cook for my mom or take her out to eat. This year, we decided to have a big cookout with the family. We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and had baked beans and salad with all the fixings (including chopped beets and feta cheese, YUM!) on the side. For dessert, my uncle made delicious strawberry shortcakes, and I made classic brownies. I used my grandma’s secret recipe. This Mother’s Day was the first one spent without her, so we wanted to make something in her honor. We miss her so much! I should have made her famous peach cobbler! Too bad I just thought of that now. I gotta get cracking if I ever want to cook as well as she did!

The little house I made for my mom. It took a long time to locate just the
right magazine pages (i.e. green and red ones that matched Mom's living room).
My brother, sister and I gave my mom a garden stone and a gift certificate to a local mani-pedi place. I also made a handmade card and a little house of paperboard and cut paper  from magazines for my mom. I am really pleased with the results, although the cell phone photos don’t do it justice. I really need to upgrade my digital camera.

We had a really pleasant afternoon and evening. I feel so happy when I am spending time with my family. I am truly thankful for them. Even though it was the one day on the calendar when moms are encouraged to relax, Mom orchestrated the whole event.

I hope all you moms out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day!

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